About v5.8 release

Additional information on recent Broadcast updates

Image with scrolling text section

We've added a new section to expand the scrolling text feature by integrating a modern scrolling text element within an image banner-style section:


The section includes settings for desktop and mobile images and heights. Choose from scrolling text, text, or button blocks to build the content. Buttons will be placed inline horizontally.

Images are selected in the section settings, content is added using the rich blocks

Image with product section

With Broadcast, you can now embed a product card right into an image banner-styled section:

Designed to be quick and easy to set up, this new section has incorporated the image and product settings into the section settings. Content blocks, including heading, text, button, and custom code, can be added to build the overlaying information on the left while the product card is shown on the right:

On mobile, the product card is placed below the image. The content can be positioned on top, in the middle, or at the bottom for the stacked view:

Superscript indicators

Broadcast can display the number of products that are in collections. The feature shows a numerical value next to the collection name in the dropdown navigation:

A theme-wide optional "Superscript" design option has been added, showing the number of products in a collection for multiple sections.

Learn more:

Quantity indicators

Blog posts with product cards

Broadcast makes adding product cards to your blog posts even more effortless. Choose products from a list and add them to the sidebar:

Customize the heading and select products from the product list:

  • Note: Since Shopify's templating system will reuse these choices on other articles, you can create a new blog post template and then assign that to different posts.

  • Another option for a unique selection of products is to use metafields for the product list:

Use the dynamic source option for unique products on each blog post

Second image on hover and Quick Add improvements

  • Broadcast has a new interface to support touchscreen laptops and devices. When a touch screen is detected, the "second image on hover" feature becomes a slideshow in the product grid. Now, the customer can see additional product images without requiring a hover action. This works for mobile devices and larger touchscreens.

To adjust how many images appear in the slideshow, use the new setting in the Theme settings -> Product grid:

Quick Add

  • For larger touchscreen devices, the full "Quick Add" button is displayed below the product image. Mobile devices will use the icon-style button.

Release Notes

View the release notes for a complete listing of changes:

Release Notes