Final Sale

Display a final sale message with details on all sale items or select products

Introduced in Broadcast v5.6

Broadcast includes a Final sale message feature, which allows shoppers to easily identify products on final sale and view details about the sale.

The message can be triggered to appear on all sale items or individual products only.

All sale items

Use the Theme settings -> Product form -> Final sale to toggle the feature for all sale items and also configure the details displayed on hover:

  • When this toggle is checked, all sale items will display the 'Final sale' message and details on hover.

Individual products

Broadcast uses a custom metafield which can be added to individual products. Each product in your store can be individually toggled to display the final sale message.

  • The custom metafield is only required if you want to choose which products to display the final sale message and details individually.

  • No metafield is required if you plan to display the final sale message on all your sale items.

How to video

This short video demonstrates creating a required custom metafield to display the final sale message on only individual items:

Notes from video
  • Define a Product metafield

  • The namespace and key must be: theme.final_sale

  • Ensure the namespace and key are correct

  • The type is True or False

  • Configure any of your products using the new True or False toggle

  • In the Theme Customizer, turn off the global toggle to show the Final Sale message on all sale items. By turning this off, only individual products from the metafield settings will display the custom message.

Required custom metafield

Customize language

The theme will default the main message to 'Final sale'. You can change the text by modifying the default theme content.

In the Theme Customizer, click on the ellipsis icon on top and choose 'Edit default theme content':

In the editor, type in 'final sale' in the search box to find the correct entry to modify:

To manually find the text snippet, use the Products tab and under the Product section, find Final sale

Last updated