FAQ style content with sidebar navigation
Last updated
FAQ style content with sidebar navigation
Last updated
Display accordion and text-based content in a section. Featuring autogenerated navigation that allows customers to navigate easily through your content blocks.
The sidebar's navigation is displayed on desktop devices and remains sticky for quick access to content areas.
Use heading categories to organize the content and instantly build the sidebar. Add anywhere to present a question-and-answer style section with a navigation sidebar. This is ideal for FAQs, contacts, about pages, and more.
Use the Heading block to build the sidebar and group content into categories or sections.
The Accordion block helps you add question-and-answer style content.
The Text block is displayed without an accordion.
Use the section settings to customize the layout and colors of the section.
This video demonstrates the section settings and how to build the sidebar and content using the Sidebar section in Broadcast:
For a rich accordion section that utilizes images, icons, a newsletter and more, Broadcast includes the Accordion section:
For a simple text-based question-and-answer section that supports one or two columns, Broadcast includes the Accordion group section: