Tab collections

Display products from multiple collections with tabbed navigation

Broadcast's tab collection enables you to showcase multiple collections in one section. It is the most comprehensive collection section with a wide range of features and options.

Shoppers can use the Quick Add feature and also cycle through different collections

Each collection tab can display a promotion with a call to action.

Grid layout with promotional image


Display products from multiple collections in one section. Include a promotional image with messaging and branding to draw customers to your products.


  • Add collection blocks to build each tab.

  • Use the heading feature in each block to label the tab name.

  • The featured image can be aligned to fit the size of your product images or image size.

  • You can choose the layout from grid to slider in the section settings.

  • Choose how many items to show for the slider and the grid layout styles.

  • Mobile layout options include a slider, 1-column or 2-column.

Video Overview

This video demonstrates the tab layout options and reviews all the section and block options:

See also

Broadcast includes a single-collection section with similar features for quickly displaying one collection:

Featured collection

Last updated