About v5.1 release

Additional information on recent Broadcast updates

Fresh new design for the featured product section with new image scrolling options and additional section settings:

Discover the new vertical and horizontal image scrolling options with this quick video:

You have the option to add a background image to enhance the appearance of the section:

Note: When a background image is used, the full-width horizontal scrolling effect is disabled. Vertical scrolling and regular horizontal scrolling are not affected.

Image with text slider section

A new section added to Broadcast is a two-column image and text section with multiple text blocks. You can now add multiple text blocks that customers can slide through for additional information.

Watch this short video walk-through on the section and block settings:

On mobile devices, the images will rotate automatically and customers can swipe through the text blocks:

The slider navigation style can be adjusted under the Theme settings:

Color swatches

Swatches are now easier to manage and control. All the settings for color swatches around are found under Theme Settings -> Swatches

Key changes
  • Color codes are now managed under the Theme settings.

  • Swatch Images are now used from the Shopify files.

  • Siblings can now use a color swatch instead of a product image.

Video walk-through on all the changes:

Tab collection section

A new grid layout option for the desktop has been added for displaying the products within a tabbed collection. You can easily choose between the slider style or the new grid option:

In addition to the product layout, you can position the tabs with different layout options:

Scrolling text section

You can now add a background image to the scrolling text section and also image blocks in-line:

Video overview - Scrolling text updates:

Header line

An option has been added to help build a separation between the header and content:

Header sizing

You can now adjust the padding in the header area to make larger or tighter headers:


A terms and conditions checkbox option has been added:

Use the Theme settings -> Cart to toggle. When enabled, the customer must check the box in order to proceed with checkout.

Last updated